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can I pay someone to make a script for me?

I have a particular house rule that has all characters only use 270-degree vision rather than 360, and I want a script so that one token can select another as their target and have their field of view follow said target. I know very little about scripting so this will be impossible for me to do without outside help, I'm not in any rush for it so I don't expect this kind of thing to cost much.

Edited 1492259955
Forum Champion
Hey, Fumetsu. I believe  TokenMod can already do what you want. Though its a little backwards from what you want. You would select the token to be followed, and target the token to grant vision to using: !token-mod --set controlledby|+@{target|token_id} This will give target token's controller control of the selected token, thus sharing FOV
oh, that's not what i was trying to say, i want the players emitted light(vision) to have the middle point follow their target or if no target selected i need some way for them to choose the direction of facing this should help illustrate a bit <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
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For choosing their facing when no target, they can just rotate their token. Light/vision always comes out of the top of the graphic(the part with the rotation handle).
The Aaron
API Scripter
Actually, I'm kind of unclear on what you're asking for. It sounds like you want a script that will cause a token to rotate in the direction of some other token. So when either moves, the primary token is rotated to face the secondary. That doesn't seem to have anything to do with the sight angle directly, are you intending to have a "looking at" control that your players move?
yeah something like that if i can't separate the lighting from the token orientation (having the token always face upright and directly control the lighting&nbsp;
The Aaron
API Scripter
I have a script named Facing. &nbsp;It creates a token below the characters using it, which indicates the direction they are facing. &nbsp;When a token's rotation is changed, the facing pointer is updated and the token is reset to upright. &nbsp;I've experimented with having a directional light on the DL layer that works the same way. &nbsp;That wouldn't be to hard to add to Facing. &nbsp;Give facing a try and see if it's interface works for you: &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... If it does, I can see about adding that light facing token as well.
haven't tried it yet but from the animation, this is basically what i wanted, gonna test it when i have time
just tested it and it's fantastic, now i just need a way to implement targeting for auto rotation rather than manul&nbsp;