We are looking for a player that is mature yet doesn't take things too seriously (balance is key). The campaign has been running since September 2014 and the party is level 11 and 12. We have a mixture of dungeon crawling, role play, light domain play and travel but the majority of the game is definitely in the realm of dungeon crawling. The party is currently made up of a Rogue (Swashbuckler), Cleric (Tempest), Monk (Open Hand), Barbarian/DRuid (Totem/Moon), and a few NPC companions. The monk will be replaced by a Lore Wizard in a session or two. You'll start at 11, so some familiarity with 5e is expected. We meet bi-weekly and you'll be expected to show up for most of the sessions and commit to at least a year. Please post something about you, your roleplay experience, what kind of character you would want to play (but don't get too detailed with your concept), and what you're looking for in a campaign. The party ( not the DM ) will take a vote on the applicants on the first of May.