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The hook


Edited 1492031344
1095-023 Spinward Marches 1521: The Voidport started as a few cargo pods and a shuttle droped off at a point in space in the middle of nowhere (hex 1521 Spinward Marches) by pirate Capt. Drake as he prepared his ship for a raid. 1100-154: Capt. Drake's command grows from a ship to a fleet. The drop off has become a port with over 150 residents, entertianment, service facilities, slaves, hostages, support personel, etc. The port commander is the second most powerful man in the fleet. 1101-111: Capt. Drake is killed at Dyrnwyn by a Sword Worlds taskforce, his ship destroyed, and his surviving crew captured. 1101-119 The Voidport is raided by a Sword Worlds taskforce. The jump ships there are captured or destroyed and stripped. The port is pillaged and most the population of the port killed. 1101-121: The Sword Worlders leave. 45 People are left amid the wreckage... more bad times 1101-143: The killing stops. The age of cooperation begins. 10 people left. 1102-001: The 5 remaining survivors set off in a barely repaired shuttle equiped with low berths. Today: You are one of those survivors. You awake from cold sleep as your shuttle enters the Tavonni system.
Sorry, I've been a bit out of the loop. Is the Artemis campaign over? And this is a new campaign?
Yeah, the Artemis group was killed after an *cough* "unknown" *cough* crew member didn't do anything when they were in an ancient ship and another one owned by Seven (which we didn't know till after) may have swallowed the ship and killed everyone on board. 
Man. I'm sorry to hear that, gang.