1095-023 Spinward Marches 1521: The Voidport started as a few cargo pods and a shuttle droped off at a point in space in the middle of nowhere (hex 1521 Spinward Marches) by pirate Capt. Drake as he prepared his ship for a raid. 1100-154: Capt. Drake's command grows from a ship to a fleet. The drop off has become a port with over 150 residents, entertianment, service facilities, slaves, hostages, support personel, etc. The port commander is the second most powerful man in the fleet. 1101-111: Capt. Drake is killed at Dyrnwyn by a Sword Worlds taskforce, his ship destroyed, and his surviving crew captured. 1101-119 The Voidport is raided by a Sword Worlds taskforce. The jump ships there are captured or destroyed and stripped. The port is pillaged and most the population of the port killed. 1101-121: The Sword Worlders leave. 45 People are left amid the wreckage... more bad times 1101-143: The killing stops. The age of cooperation begins. 10 people left. 1102-001: The 5 remaining survivors set off in a barely repaired shuttle equiped with low berths. Today: You are one of those survivors. You awake from cold sleep as your shuttle enters the Tavonni system.