notice that you're trying to place Roll Queries within Attribute calls (e.g. @{selected|?{Attribute Name|STR|DEX|...}}). This can't
really work because of how the Order of Operations
plays out. To work with the Order of Operations, you'll need to instead place your Attribute
calls within Roll Queries. (e.g. ?{Attribute|STR,
@{selected|strength}|DEX, ...}): &{template:default} {{name=Ritualkenntnis Probe
}} {{Ritualkenntnis=[[?{Ritualkenntnis}]]
}} {{Attribut 1=?{Attribut 1|
MU, [MU](@{selected|MU}) |
KL, [KL](@{selected|KL}) |
IN, [IN](@{selected|IN}) |
CH, [CH](@{selected|CH}) |
FF, [FF](@{selected|FF}) |
GE, [GE](@{selected|GE}) |
KO, [KO](@{selected|KO}) |
KK, [KK](@{selected|KK})
}} {{Attribut 2=?{Attribut 2|
MU, [MU](@{selected|MU}) |
KL, [KL](@{selected|KL}) |
IN, [IN](@{selected|IN}) |
CH, [CH](@{selected|CH}) |
FF, [FF](@{selected|FF}) |
GE, [GE](@{selected|GE}) |
KO, [KO](@{selected|KO}) |
KK, [KK](@{selected|KK})
}} {{Attribut 3=?{Attribut 3|
MU, [MU](@{selected|MU}) |
KL, [KL](@{selected|KL}) |
IN, [IN](@{selected|IN}) |
CH, [CH](@{selected|CH}) |
FF, [FF](@{selected|FF}) |
GE, [GE](@{selected|GE}) |
KO, [KO](@{selected|KO}) |
KK, [KK](@{selected|KK})
}} {{Probe 1=[[ 1d20 ]] < ?{Attribut 1} [[ ?{Attribut 1} + {0} ]]
}} {{Probe 2=[[ 1d20 ]] < ?{Attribut 2} [[ ?{Attribut 2} + {0} ]]
}} {{Probe 3=[[ 1d20 ]] < ?{Attribut 3} [[ ?{Attribut 3} + {0} ]]