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Hellfrost for Savage Worlds - The God Among Us

The party is approached by a Wizened old man who regails them with a Tale of the avatar of a God who is unaware of his own identity. Everyplace he goes strange things happen . some good, some bad and some almost evil . The pantheon has sent this man to you to challenge you to find this amnesiac Avatar before he destroys the realm of Rassilon and hastens the decent of the Hellfrost . This is an ongoing Hellfrost campaign Characters can be any class or race from any Hellfrost supplement at Novice rank. Game will be every other Saturday from 7-11pm central standard time . playing via Voice on Roll20 .. For Magic we will be using the Syphoning and not spell points. Looking for 6 players, youll need the SW deluxe core rules and at least the Hellfrost players handbook
Ok Savage Worlds Fans heres a Game for you. comment or message if interested
Ok Roll20 Savages , looking for players for this campaign , this will be a good one . Just needing 3-4 more players
Wizards Shamans Warriors and the Gods. its Hellfrost folks needing players comment or message if interested
Hey Savages. Still needing players
I'd be interested.
Stephen U. said: I'd be interested. sent you a message
Just needing 1 or 2 more players we are very close . any campaign info just message me
Game is next week. Looking for 2 players. Comment or message if you would like to play
Hellfrost players still needed
Hey Guys still looking for Hellfrost players