What options exist for the formating of text results from rollable tables?
Specific example: I want to output from two tables one an item, and the other a specific power for that item <item><minor_power> Where minor power is an identifying moniker and a description of that power. Example: Table 1 rolls: Sword Table 2 Rolls: of Cabalism - Whenever the bearer casts a spell as a ritual, they have advantage to maintain concentration during the ritual. I'd like to output Sword of Cabalism - Whenever the bearer casts a spell as a ritual, they have advantage to maintain concentration during the ritual. I attempted to use basic WikiMarkup such that of Cabalism - Whenever the bearer casts a spell as a ritual, they have advantage to maintain concentration during the ritual. is listed as * of Cabalism* - Whenever the bearer casts a spell as a ritual, they have advantage to maintain concentration during the ritual. That, obviously, doesn't work. Is there a way? I've seen some nested table stuff that has reference codes embedded, that I'm assuming get translated out into other characters, can that be done? if so... where do I find a chart of character code to their roll20 appropriate reference codes?