I do things about the same as Three of Swords, though i usually lay things out slightly different (Mostly just a choice of how things work better for me) but its still very similar, API's are a great way to increase quality of life it took me a while of playing about with them to get a real feel for what i wanted to use and what i didn't need (best to run them for a few sessions to see how they feel). Depending on what I run i use a mix of RL notes, I run a pseudo 3 monitor setup (2 main screens on my PC and my laptop for a 3rd), i tend to keep only things that are currently directly needed in my roll20 Journal, and encounter tables etc tend to be more physical notes (tho i have also used rollable tables for some aspects) mainly it comes down to choice. how i normally setup my monitors is to have the main monitor be the roll20 window and map with popping out the NPC sheets as i need them and moving them to the second monitor, second monitor is also where i keep open my discord (as we use that for voice) and it means i can keep an eye if someone drops a msg there instead or roll20, my laptop is used for referencing websites and PDF's. The main thing is that everyone works well in different ways so it may just be a little trial and error (i know some people run 2 accounts so they can have 2 roll20 windows open and use it that way) but make sure you front load for organisation but don't forget there is a search option in the journal if you need to look up a certain character or handout quickly. The shaped sheets are very front loaded and require some set up time so make sure your players and you have some time to play about with them before the game is due to start so you can minimise issues, once set up though they are great. if your comfortable that you have notes that are fine to flick through physically for a one off you only really need to input information into roll20 that will require rolls, such as NPC/monster stats, If you want to roll personally IRL then you don't even need that. Make sure to have maps and tokens set to go though unless you prefer theatre of the mind combat, however i personally feel 5e lends itself to tactical battle map based combat. If you want to try to make an API do something slightly different than the normal use or are looking for an API for a specific job ask in the forums they are great at helping, also spend some time to look at how to create macros tho they arn't needed to run they can be an elequent solution that saves a lot of time