Meo wakes. As the fuzz clears from her mind she realizes where she is, what just happened. She's laying face down in a vac-suit on the lid of a lowbearth. The shuttle is upside down."So," she thinks, "still alive, body feels ok and the vac-suit is still working... Am I the only one?". She keys the com in her vac-suit,"Hello... hello this is Meo. Can anyone hear me?" As time passes with out a response she decides to open the lid. She drops to the cieling of the shuttle. It shutters and moves under Meo's feet, a loud groaning accompanies the shuttle shifting and moving. It comes to a crashing, jarring halt after about 3 seconds. Meo finds herself on her back with a lowbearth inches from her face half torn from the floor barely avoiding breaking loose and crushing her. She rolls away and then, "WHAT THE FUCK!", Meo hears over the comms. "Is that you Prof?" she says. "Yea, we're not on the ground." he says. The shuttle is rolled 90 degrees on it's side with the nose pointing down about 30 degrees. "Don't Move!" they both say in unison. Then after a few seconds the Professor says "Well, this won't work for long either. I'm going to try to get to the door." Meo waits, ready for the shuttle to shift and fall, wondering what she could do if it did, thinking about how close to death she just came and how close it still is, "This is getting old" she thinks "I'm getting used to narrowly escaping death".Then the Professor says "OK, you can move. It looks like the shuttle is stuck real good now. This tree is huge. I can't tell how for away the ground is". As Meo makes her way to the door the other crew awake and check in over the comm. Everyone made it.