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I have a question about this charater generator thing called PCgen I am not used to using this kind of tool and wondering if anyone knows how to make the charater visible to my GM after I build it and if I save it in a PCG.file (which is the only one it will let me use) can I still use it on the web browser games? I dont know if this makes sense or if I am even supposed to post here. Any advice is welcome?

Edited 1386366982
you can view the file as an html file once you've set the options for paths to point to your browser and picked a template. then you save the file as a html file from the browser (one page not full) and send that on its way. best program ever. only stopped using it because my players refused to use it so i gave in about brought herolab, though that also was because I was getting realmsworks which intergrates with it brilliantly (same company)
Moved to off-topic.

Edited 1386366011
Hello Jman, You have several options. You can send him the actual x.pcg file (x is the name you saved it as). Go to File&gt; Export and select one of the html, pdf, or text formats and then either email or paste that as a message to the DM. Also if you have questions on how to use the program you can send me a message, or post to our main forums here <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Paul S.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I love PCgen. Just started using it and took a second or two to figure out how to load additional sources. But truly great resource. Only thing I haven't figured out how to load yet is Ultimate Magic source. still working on that.
I just ended up basically rolling up the character on pcgen and transferring it to mythweavers site. I am going to be reading up on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> so I can just do it right into mythweavers since that seems to be what everyone uses. I already know how to make a D&D3.5 character basically by memory so it doesn't seem that much different. Just gotta learn the subtleties of feats and what not. Anyways I'll stop rambling thanks for posting everyone.