I am trying to make 5e formatted a saving throw macro based on one that The Aaron and Sylvre helped me with a while back. I like where it's headed but I'm stuck on getting the text to fall where I want it. It took me a awhile to get the rolls to stop having the curlys around it but I can't get the {{description=xxx}} to take based on "I have no idea where to put it" I would also like the 'bar' to be higher in the macro [directly under Saving Throw]; having the {{name=xxx}} be the save with mod bonus (not red); and the {{description=xxx}} be the rolls themselves. What I have so far: &{template:npc} {{rname=Saving Throw}} {{name=
``?{Which ability|
Strength, Strength [[@{npcd_str_mod} + @{strength_save_prof}]] |
Dexterity, Dexterity [[@{npcd_dex_mod} + @{dexterity_save_prof}]] |
Constitution, Constitution [[@{npcd_con_mod} + @{constitution_save_prof}]] |
Intelligence, Intelligence [[@{npcd_int_mod} + @{intelligence_save_prof}]] |
Wisdom, Wisdom [[@{npcd_wis_mod} + @{wisdom_save_prof}]] |
Charisma, Charisma [[@{npcd_cha_mod} + @{charisma_save_prof}]]
[[ 1d20 + ?{Which ability} ]] | [[ 1d20 + ?{Which ability} ]]