Thanks to Silvyre, we have this great macro to roll Earthdawns step chart. --Rolled|**[[ [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] + floor([[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1]] / 11)]]d20! + [[{2, 4, 5, 6, 7}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 3}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] + {1e3, 3}=[[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 2]]d[[{{(?{Step} - 1) * 2, 4}kh1, {12}}kl1]]! + [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * (1 - {3, 6, 10}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 4, 8}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]])]]d[[10 - {4, 5, 8, 9}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 4]]! + [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * ({0, 5, 7, 9}=[[{?{Step}, 1}kh1 % 11]] + 2 * {6, 10}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]])]]d8! - [[{1, 2}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * (3 - [[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]])]] + ?{Karma #}d@{KarmaDie}! ]]** I've found that some creatures have a Karma Step that includes more than one die. I was wondering if there was a way to change it to rolling the Karma step (therefor rolling on the step chart again) and adding it to the base roll. It still needs to be able to spend multiple Karma at once.