The other day I was creating the Saving Throw Macro on the D&D threat that you helped me out a bunch with Silvyre. I'd like to possible try also creating a macro that shows a list of these these in chat (similar to the Pathfinder Character sheet). Basically, I would like to use the NPC Action Template, and within it have a button for each Save (keep in mind, I'll be doing this for other things other than saves too, it's just the most complicated one because of how the bonus is calculated for NPCs), which when clicked presents and NPC template that rolls, using the sheet's preference for rolling advantage / disadvantage. I can see from your example that you have a lot more html in this, and it looks like that may be where I'm stumbling. Even getting something as simple as shown below isn't showing the template sheet when I click it. Instead in chat it shows {{template:npcaction}} @{selected|wtype} &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|token_name}}} {{rname=Saves}} {{description=[Strength Save](!