Hi, guys - I'm sorry if this is covered elsewhere - I looked but didn't see these topics. I'm taking a look at the official 13th Age character sheet in Roll20 - I've been using one of my own for a while but it's...clumsy at best, so I figured taking a look at the official one would be a better idea. :-P I've figured out parts of it, but I'm a bit mystified on a couple parts: Is there a way to add an Implement bonus to attacks? I can see how you can add the Magic Weapon and Magic Ranged Weapon bonuses - how those automatically calculate in if you choose Melee / Ranged Weapon 1, 2, or 3 for a custom ability - but I wasn't sure how to add the bonus you get from a magic implement (wand, staff, or symbol). They work similarly to magic weapons, just for spells. Similarly, is there any place to put in the AC/PD/MD bonuses from magic armors and such? I see the base level slots and the final slots, but I don't see a spot for bonus AC or the like. There's one for bonus HP from magic items, so I thought it might be there, but I haven't been able to find it. If you can help me find these spots, if I'm just being clueless (a very likely possibility), then thank you muchly!