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The Guild Tour - Suggestions & Build your rooms

So for people who want to know how the guild looks in 3D I built this: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> If you want to make suggestions on what should be changed added then this is the place to do it. Also for the paragons and epics you can tell me how you want your rooms done up.
Gabriela wants that room you're in at 17:20. It's got a very nice view. Ideally all in black and white except for a couple nice eye-catching red bits, maybe curtains and a small rug or something? I don't know Minecraft well enough to know what the options are.
Adding a portal to Liaxisys' room, unless the Epic crew agrees that the tower should have one, in which case there is no reason to have two so close by
Ember obviously needs a giant pile of coins instead of a bed. Also maybe, like, some stuffed animals or something.
someone keeps putting up these posters on Roland's floor... his neighbors have been complaining, but he finds them aesthetically pleasing.
Posted from skype:&nbsp; Ishtar definitely needs to claim a room at the top, preferably next to mistral with some way to keep an eye on her and room enough for Helix now that he's retired and doesn't get his own room and probably some sort of weird machine type thing as she tries to get her lightning elemental generator working not entirely sure what you can do in minecraft at this point or what the best way to do that would be optimally window is no glass for flying access and floor is cloud blocks as far as anna's she of course wants ice blocks and blue window, some sort of shrine to the raven queen, and like a snow generator or something if that's possible maybe a snow golem or something and ruby's probably wants a spray of some sort of fire related picture on the wall, a lava pit to play in, some buckets of lava in frames on the walls, red glass in the window, and the floor to consist of that material that burns forever and it be constantly on fire probably would prefer a room as low to the ground as possible for her (I have no idea how feasible that amount of fire is without burning the thing down)
Ysdem would like a coner room on the fourth floor on the north-western side of the building where he can see the changing landscape and is able to let Veinie run wild on the range. The room will be sparsely decorated with some aromatic herbs and flowers, a small book case and a small shrine to his lady, Sehanine near a window where the moonlight hits it just right to make it shimmer with beauty. Akradarr would like a center room in the third floor where he has enough space to practice his sword swings, has a mechanical device to practice enduring blows and responding to them, a few frames of moments with fellow guild members to remind him of his family and a wide bed with some coins on top so he can sleep soundly. Alavaz would like the northwestern corner room on the first floor. He'd like to have a wooden practice post to practice his attack, a hanging bar with claps on it for his legs with a small alcove with a bucket on top, a bowl of hot coals on one of the corners, a tea set with a good amount of Jasmin and a simple loft matress on the floor for his bed.
Silviana is not particularly picky where her room is as long as you can teleport into it through some clever use of summoning a dream form. (10 squares off the ground at most.) Her room is filled with books on various topics ranging from psionics, arcana, religion, and one about maintaining swords. In fact, her room has a single sword propped up on the wall opposite of the bed (she is MC Swordmage after all). There is a rack for her many staffs (dual wielded staffs like a boss back in the day). In addition there should be a pillar with an scrying orb in the center of the room... for research purposes of course!
Kylun's has a twin-sized bed. &nbsp;Musical instruments all over the place. Holes in the wall from him throwing daggers at it. &nbsp;There's an "alchemy" lab set up in the corner.&nbsp;
Kat'ch-ka: near top floor. Just filled with punching things. Makatur: close to bottom floor. Filled with all sorts of dueling accoutrements and maybe a big red coat.
Keysley requests a square room with no windows (if there is one... I don't remember seeing one) The walls full of bookshelves... no bed/no sleeping... just an ottoman kind of thing with a side table with a candle... And then more books... Piles and piles of books.&nbsp; Vimakey requests a plain room... he doesn't spend a lot of time there with his head not attached to the pillow. But a table with a funnel cake would be good.&nbsp;