Hi! I've written the following three macros: /roll 2d10 + ?{modifier|0} VS difficulty: ?{difficulty|15}
/roll 4d10k2 + ?{modifier|0} VS difficulty: ?{difficulty|15} /roll 2d10d1 + ?{modifier|0} VS difficulty: ?{difficulty|15} I'm just a beginner in terms of roll20 API. Currently I'm able to get the id's of the three macros with the help of findObj during the chat event. But what I want is to get the value of the modifier difficulty (to calculate the amount of successes the roll represents). When I log the result of the roll I get the JSON-String with the roll results, type and dice-sides etc. But there is no information about the modifiers. So: Is there a way to get these from the chat event? Greetings, Loki