After waiting for an awkward period of time in Dr. Giggles's reception area, the party is introduced to the doctor himself. At first, Malak is eager to be treated, but once he sees the state of the operating theater, and interacts with Dr. Giggles and his staff, he changes his mind. The party retreats from the clinic, and continues their search for a way home. As they explore, it becomes clear that this is a massive dungeon. They pass a room lines with strange, man-sized cylinders, which they avoid, and a room with massive hanging corpse curtains, which they destroy. They slay a mother Otyugh, leaving her child alive but orphaned. Eventually, they encounter a pack of blade zombies, foul undead creatures with knives driven through their hands and heads. There is a fierce battle in which Eovan is slain, and Malak is disabled. Fortunately, the other companions manage to defeat the zombies, and Asteris is able to bring Malak back from the brink of death with her Kiss of Life. Discouraged, the party retreats back to the secret skull chamber, where they spend a restless night. Everyone who played gains 2,500 XP.