Huzzah Adventurer, Please take a knee while I explain to you what we are looking for. We are in need of one more adventurer who is willing to brave the elements, bandits and monsters for fame and riches. We currently have 3 other adventurers but one was mortally wounded and sadly will not be continuing his journey with us. We don't care if your a new inexperienced adventurer or well seasoned one but we are looking for someone who is committed to meeting each Sunday at 6pm CST. We will be running an ongoing D&D campaign using 4th edition rules set in the Forgotten Realms world. If your interested please check out our portal at <a href="https://don-t-look-back-keep-running.obsidianport" rel="nofollow">https://don-t-look-back-keep-running.obsidianport</a>... and send me a message if interested. I hope to hear back from you soon young adventurer.... Sirjohn