Thank you for the more efficient code for token mod, i thought there must be a way to write this "smoother". I did the two "|" for less pop-ups and get it work with only one click, but your way is much cleaner :) I tried it, without the rest of the macro, to exclude other mistakes, i only typed !areasOfEffectApplyEffectAtToken @{target|token_id} 7.5 Test_7.5 and it prompts me the same error. So i tried it without the second _7.5 and it works :) (i expect the second one ist for the angle of path when you use it the "normal" way or something ) Thank you for your help and your patience If anyone can use this, the correct working way is now (5OGL): 1. Name an image in your library you want to use for a spell, for example "Fireball" and set it up as usual with AreaofEffect 2. Drag the spell from the compendium and drop it to your character 3. Cast the spell from you Core! section of the character sheet 4. Go to your chat and press up to get the code of the spell 5. Copy the spell and make the following changes ( bold ) to made it "all-in-one" and not character specific @{ selected |wtype}&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=DC12}} {{rname=Fireball}} {{r1=[[0d20@{ selected |halflingluck}cs>20]]}} {{r2=[[0d20@{ selected | halflingluck}cs>20]]}} 0 {{range=150 ft}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[8d6]]}} {{dmg1type=Fire }} 0 {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit1=[[8d6[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[0[CRIT]]]}} {{save=1}} {{saveattr=Dexterity}} {{savedesc=Half damage}} {{savedc=[[[[(@{Lia Amakiir|spell_save_dc})]][SAVE]]]}} {{desc=}} {{hldmg=[[(1*?{Cast at what level?|Level 3,0|Level 4,1|Level 5,2|Level 6,3|Level 7,4|Level 8,5|Level 9,6})d6]]}} {{spelllevel=cantrip}} ammo= @{ selected |charname_output} 6. Add the following code and change the name in bold to your spell image name and change the 3 to the radius of your effect !areasOfEffectApplyEffectAtToken @{target|token_id} 3 Fireball 7. Tick off "as token action" because you have to target a token to use the macro 8. Additional add: !token-mod {{ --set aura1_color|#ff0000 aura1_radius|3 statusmarkers|fishing-net:+1 --ids @{target|token_id} }} for an aura (for additional spell range overview after deleting the effect) and a status marker like poisoned or something. This should work with the most of the spells and you can add an /fx bomb-fire for more "bling-bling-loving-freakiness" and !roll20AM --play|yoursoundofchoice My complete test code for that is: @{selected|wtype}&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=DC12}} {{rname=Fireball}} {{r1=[[0d20@{selected|halflingluck}cs>20]]}} {{r2=[[0d20@{selected|halflingluck}cs>20]]}} 0 {{range=150 ft}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[8d6]]}} {{dmg1type=Fire }} 0 {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit1=[[8d6[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[0[CRIT]]]}} {{save=1}} {{saveattr=Dexterity}} {{savedesc=Half damage}} {{savedc=[[[[(@{selected|spell_save_dc})]][SAVE]]]}} {{desc=}} {{hldmg=[[(1*?{Cast at what level?|Level 3,0|Level 4,1|Level 5,2|Level 6,3|Level 7,4|Level 8,5|Level 9,6})d6]]}} {{spelllevel=cantrip}} ammo= @{selected|charname_output} !areasOfEffectApplyEffectAtToken @{target||token_id} 3 Feuerball !token-mod {{ --set aura1_color|#ff0000 aura1_radius|3 statusmarkers|fishing-net:+1 --ids @{target||token_id} }} /fx Feuerball @{target||token_id} @{target||token_id} \\n &{template:foo} !roll20AM --play|Feuerball and it looks like that (sadly you can't here the awesome sound): Probably there is a cleaner way to do this, but hey, im just a try and error coder-noob : p You'll to remove the status markers and the aura manual or with this macro: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|-bleeding-eye|-broken-heart|-edge-crack|-screaming|-grab|-lightning-helix|-aura|-chemical-bolt|-back-pain|-fishing-net|-fist|-sleepy|-ninja-mask|-angel-outfit|-red|-blue|-green|-brown|-purple|-pink|-yellow|-dead|-skull|-sleepy|-half-heart|-half-haze|-interdiction|-snail|-lightning-helix|-spanner|-chained-heart|-chemical-bolt|-death-zone|-drink-me|-edge-crack|-ninja-mask|-stopwatch|-fishing-net|-overdrive|-strong|-fist|-padlock|-three-leaves|-fluffy-wing|-pummeled|-tread|-arrowed|-aura|-back-pain|-black-flag|-bleeding-eye|-bolt-shield|-broken-heart|-cobweb|-broken-shield|-flying-flag|-radioactive|-trophy|-broken-skull|-frozen-orb|-rolling-bomb|-white-tower|-grab|-screaming|-grenade|-sentry-gun|-all-for-one|-angel-outfit|-archery-target name|@{selected|character_name} !token-mod --set aura1_radius| (don't know how to do the code in such a nice scrollable line). Regards