Needing some help making a Degrees of Success macro to represent a variably sized group units all firing there weapons trying to roll under a target number to hit which is modified further by a modifier number then scoring a number of "Degrees of Success" depending on how far below the target number (after mods) they are, then totaling up the total number of DoS achieved by the units. An example of what I am looking for, and to help those not familiar with Only War or a similar system understand what I'm talking about: Three guardsman are firing their lasguns, there target number before modifiers is 35, so a roll of 35 or lower is one Degree of Success, with an additional degree of success for every 10 extra they are below the number. They each roll a d100 with that flat target number (no modifiers for this example) and get a 34, 55, and 78, so two of them miss and one hits with 1 DoS. The marco I want to make will ask me how many units are firing what the total modifier added to each of their target numbers (same number for everyone) and tell me how many total positive degrees of success the group gets so I know how many hits they got, depending on the firing mode, which is something I can handle on my own. So is it possible to make such a macro? So far all I have is: /em Guardsman use Lasgun Barrage with [[((35 + ?{Modifier|0} - d100)/10)]] additional degree(s) of success! But I can't figure out how to set it up so I can ask for how many dice to roll. Can anyone give me a hand? I'd be very grateful for any help.