I've been working on a companion script for the Pathfinder sheet, and while working on some features for it, I've had to delete and remake characters repeatedly to test features. I thought that I had some bad code somewhere because anytime I deleted a character, my sandbox would shortly crash with a possible infinite loop. However, I just disabled all scripts except for a "destroylog" script I whipped up to just log destroy events of attributes and characters: on('destroy:attribute',(obj)=>{log('DESTROYED ATTR: '+JSON.stringify(obj))});
on('destroy:character',(obj)=>{log('DESTROYED CHAR: '+JSON.stringify(obj))});
Deleting the characters still caused a crash. My next thought was that it was a problem with the sheetworkers (since the script is using setwithworker, maybe they were affecting the sandbox). I disabled the sheet, reloaded my API and game pages and tried to delete again. Once again the script crashed shortly after deleting the character. I'm not sure if there is a way to fix this, but thought it should be reported. -Scott