Hi, I have this macro for NPCs (this is an example for Athletics Checks, but they are all the same) [[1d20 + @{selected|npc_athletics}]] I use the 5e OGL sheet and the Monster Manual addon, so basically when I add the macro it "reads" from the abilities section if the NPC or the monster has a bonus on a specific ability and add it to the d20 roll. The problem here is that if I want to use a skill where a monster or a NPC hasn't any bonus the macro just roll a d20 without taking in account the related modifier of the ability (i.e. strength for athletics checks). When a x monster sheet states that x has +5 in perception I assume that the bonus already includes the Wisdom mod. So how can I change the macro to let it takes the right modifier when there are no skill bonuses on the sheet? Let's assume that x has + 0 in perception but a +1 as Wisdom modifier... I want that the +1 is added to the die roll. What if I do this: [[1d20 + @{selected|npc_athletics} + @{npcd_wis_mod}]] Hope the question is clear.