Trying my hand at getting back into running games, after a bit of an absence as both a GM and player. I'm looking for 4-6 players who are experienced roleplayers and are looking for a game in the evenings. The game is yet to be decided, but will either be Pathfinder, D&D 4e, or Exalted, depending on what the players are most interested in. The date and time would also be variable - based on what is best for all players involved. It is also not first-come, first-serve; I will speak with the group regarding what game they would prefer, primarily. What days they can participate on, secondly, and finally do world-building and character creation with them as a final step. As for myself, I'm a GM who favours story and narrative, but also enjoys challenging players. Combat is tends to be rough, avoidable, and in the midst of puzzle-solving. As a result, it would be fairly hard on newer players, as it can be fairly punishing. I am not looking for heavy optimizers, but players who both enjoy story and challenge. One of the major things I enjoy is sitting down with players and discussing characters, story ideas, or even world ideas. I allow and enjoy input on world-building, and themes, being able to best tailor the story, world and game to the players. It helps create a vibrant setting where the players aren't the only things moving about it. My experience with Roll20 is limited, but I have used similar VTTs previously, and aim to learn this one as well. As a result, many of the features I use may be limited at first, but will slowly start introducing more over time. If any of this might interest you, feel free to PM me here, or message me on Skype at: nakiitae Current interest: 2 players for 4e 1 player for anything not 4e 1 player for Pathfinder