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Can't players use scripts via macro?

Hey again, i'd created some macros for our spells. the effect includes the normal chat output (dmg, target etc.), an sound effect, an fx and a special effect (recoil in this case).  It all works perfect for me, but if my players push the macro button, only the chat output and the fx effect occurs. The sound (from the roll20 audio master script) and the recoil (from the KABOOM! script) do not work.  Here you can see the push effect, which doesn't appear when a player push the macro: The macro is: !roll20AM --play|Donnerwoge @{selected|wtype}&{template:dmg} {{rname=Donnerwoge}} 0 {{range=Selbst (Würfel mit 4.5m Seitenlänge)}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[2d8]]}} {{dmg1type=Schallschaden und 3m Rückstoss }} 0 {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{save=1}} {{saveattr=Constitution}} {{savedesc=Halber Schaden und nicht weggestossen}} {{savedc=[[[[(@{selected|spell_save_dc})]][SAVE]]]}} {{desc=}} {{hldmg=[[(1*?{Cast at what level?|Level 1,0|Level 2,1|Level 3,2|Level 4,3|Level 5,4|Level 6,5|Level 7,6|Level 8,7|Level 9,8})d8]]}} {{spelllevel=1}} ammo= @{selected|charname_output} /fx Donnerwoge #stossabfrage Is it my fault somewhere or is it not possible to start a sound or effect script via macro through a player? Thank you

Edited 1495989735
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
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For Roll20AM, I put gates in to restrict player access to sounds unless you tag them as player accessible or turn off this gating in the config menu. I just went through the help documentation and realized that I never actually specified this (sorry about that). The default player accessible tag is "-players-", but you can change it in the config menu. To tag a track as player accessible, simply add the tag to the end of the track name in the jukebox. You can also designate whole playlists as player accessible via the script's config menu. When a playlist is designated player accessible, players can trigger that playlist and any song that is chosen (if they select shuffle for instance) will play regardless of its actual accessibility tag status.
Hey, thank you very much. This worked for my players, but now i can't hear the sound anymore : ) Do i have to add a second tag for the gm? (i tried -gm-, but that doesn't work). Regards

Edited 1495992757
Scott C.
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API Scripter
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hmmm, do you mean you can't hear it when your players play it? The script can't do selective playing (so only certain people hear a sound) as that is outside the ability of the API to affect. If this is what you are experiencing, then this a browser/roll20/music service issue. Or, do you mean, you can't play them as the gm now? The script shouldn't ever lock the gm out, but let me know if this is what you are experiencing, and I'll do some digging.

Edited 1495994603
Sorry for the confusion, i'd testet it a little bit more: If i use the sound via macro as GM ist plays for me and the players. If i use the sound via macro as Player it doesn't play a sound. If i tag the sound with -players- (in my example "Donnerwoge-players-) it play no sound for the GM and no sound for the players. Strange O.o
Scott C.
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hmm, ok. Sounds like I'll need to do some digging then. I'll get back to you once I've found the bug.
Hey Scott,  i figured out, that it is no problem with your script. It works for itself. My macro uses it in combination with !KABOOM by calling it in another macro (#stossabfrage) and that seems to be the problem, don't know really why... So sorry for bothering you :) I now have to find out what's wrong in this constellation. So the problem at the beginning must be: but if my players push the macro button ....The sound (from the roll20 audio master script) and the recoil (from the KABOOM! script) do not work. Thx and regards
Scott C.
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Glad you got it figured out.  Also, when you tag a track as player accessible, you don't need to include the tag in the Roll20AM command to play it
Thx again, for the hint ; ) 
Appendix: Additionally I figured out, that the Roll20AM chat inputs don't work, as long you are in the "talktoyourself" modus and it is not a problem with KABOOM!, it is a problem with the Safari-Browser and the Chrome-Browser (same framework i think - no problems on Firefox - who is anyway the fastest with roll20 at my tests).
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
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Yep talktomyself blocks any API command from working.