So after looking over what you guys told me I was able to Come up with some really kool features Here are some kool things that I was able to make for a macro button for the players, and yes the line click works and for the beams using these macros. Line Spells /fx beam-?{Color|AcidGreen,acid|BloodRed,blood|CharmPink,charm|DeathBlack,death|FireOrange,fire|HolyYellow,holy|MagicCandy,magic|WaterBlue,water} @{selected|token_id} Cone Spells /fx breath-?{Color|AcidGreen,acid|BloodRed,blood|CharmPink,charm|DeathBlack,death|FireOrange,fire|HolyYellow,holy|MagicCandy,magic|WaterBlue,water} @{selected|token_id} They work wonderfully. I thank you all for your amazing support. But I have another question. I would like know if you can help make a simple beam effect with the bubbling splatter in the Status FX custom Script I don't want the beam being longer then 1 square, with a blood splatter or bubbling red. Basically I want to allow the player to be able to use it the same way casters do for a melee strike to add some since of special effects for the melee warriors. { "maxParticles": 100, "emissionRate": 3, "size": 35, "sizeRandom": 15, "lifeSpan": 10, "lifeSpanRandom": 3, "speed": 3, "speedRandom": 1.5, "gravity": {"x":0.01, "y":0.01}, "angle": 0, "angleRandom": 180, "duration": -1, "startColour": [220, 35, 0, 1], "startColourRandom": [62, 0, 0, 0.25], "endColour": [220, 35, 0, 0], "endColourRandom": [60, 60, 60, 0] } I don't understand all of these meanings.