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A Wandering Artist Approaches


Edited 1498080231
A mysterious woman, covered in strange symbols and carrying a dizzying array of sharp implements, approaches the Guild Hall. "I come here to have stab you all!" she proclaims loudly with a confident smile in an near-incomprehensible accent. As hands (and hand-like appendages) rush to swords, staves, and other implements of destruction, she rapidly takes a step back, puts her hands up, cursing in a language none seem to comprehend, and hastily revises her previous statement, "Apology, my Common is not excellent. I intend I want to poke you and put my juices in you!" This change bemuses the Guild members in attendance, causing the occasional raised eyebrow among the more filthy-minded associates of the Guild. As the tension of the moment slips away and most attention returns to mugs of ale or plates of exotic foods, she elaborates further, "I am skilled artist with magicks of skin-body drawing, and can give you strength of beauty! So apology for mis-languaging at you; I will give you good price!" The Guild members, relatively convinced that she means them no lasting harm beyond the pinch of her needles, allow her to settle into an unoccupied workshop in the Guild Hall for a short period of time. The painted lady will gladly carve you up with a magical tattoo of your choice for 60% of its listed price (40% discount). As an artist of true Bohemian spirit, she will feel the need to wander on by Tuesday, June 27th at 18:00 Pacific Time.

Edited 1498021738
Charity comes back from her recent adventure looking for some sweet ink. (Curse Eye Tattoo for 3400 * 0.6 = 2040gp)
The halfling rogue shows up to the workshop ad begins undressing. As he sees the other guild members getting tattoos he realizes his mistake and puts his pants back on and picks out a pirate ship chest piece.  (Backlash Tattoo for 4,200 * 0.6 = 2520)
Arock presents a freshly shaven part of his back for a tattoo. (Demon skin tattoo 680 * 0.6 = 408)
After two bent needles and a substantial amount of cursing, the artist opts for a different set of tools. A terrible ruckus and muffled screams can be heard from her secluded corner for a while, before Enki Mountainborn emerges, her iron skin adorned with small golden studs forming runes of protection which span her chest from one shoulder to the other. (Demon skin tattoo 680 * 0.6 = 408)
Althea is impressed with the artistic woman even if she doesn't relate at all.  She reveals her heroic strongheart tattoo and asks for it to be improved upon.  (85,000-3400)(0.6) = 48,960gp
Ashnard in his gruff manner declares his need for even more sustainability in the form of a strongheart tattoo. It takes some work due to the scales but he is pleased with the end result. (Strongheart Tattoo (heroic) 3400 * 0.6 = 2040gp).
Kril'ikik, while not exactly sure how a tattoo will work on their carapace, is ready to receive some mystical runes(that they don't entirely understand). After some rather deep stabbing to get under the now thickened carapace, and unpleasant insectoid sounds of discomfort, Kril walks away with a softly glowing sand worm on part of their shell. (Tattoo of the Penitent Martyr: 9,000 * 0.6 = 5,400 GP)
Gemma, in a similar problematic boat, asks for some sick ink to be inscribed upon her crystal flesh, so that she may look ever more resplendent. First tattoo evar, woo. (Curse Eye Tattoo 3400*0.6 = 2040gp)
Draxxen wants to get some ink done Tattoo of Bloodied Chains (2600*6 = 1560)
Gren would like his Hammer and Sickle Full back tattoo to have a little more "Flames of Revolution" to it. (Fireheart tattoo 840g *0.6= 504g)