techiecarer said: I would suggest having the image files hosted separately from github (e.g. Imgur). Currently if you make a Custom game with the new sheet code, the image links break because there is no direct link to the images in the HTML. Personally speaking, the new font you are using for the Name / Species / etc text boxes (Impact?) is a bit hard to read as I find the letters to be a bit pushed together. Also, if there is any way to decrease the width of the sheet? By default the character sheet window opens at a width of 900 pixels but I'm not sure how feasible it is to reduce the sheet width without the elements being changed around much design wise. Other than that, I'm really liking the new version, especially the Ship sheet. So the topic of "Imgur vs. Github" was covered in the Github discussion 1.0 - the official preferred method is to us Github's Raw image (these should work with code copied custom sheets as well - this is how the test game is setup and they work) - the images just have to be committed to the Master Roll20 repository for the first time so new images have an issue if you copy the code prior to the Roll20 Admins adding my changes, luckily I put in the location of my local GitHub master copy in the, if you use that for custom sheets the images are already hosted and good to go: ## How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): 1. Copy the html from GitHub 2. In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. 3. In the HTML tab paste the HTML code 4. Copy the css from GitHub 5. On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. 6. Hit save. The font actually issues I think are primarily around the Star Trek font itself, or I should say the browser friendly version of it, it's hard getting one that matches the official sheet that looks good, but I'll play around more with this for the 1.2 release and see what we got, thanks for the feedback. Same thing thing here with width, trying to keep the LCARS look and feel of the official sheet takes up a lot of space. I'm thinking for a future release maybe a setting that "streamlines" the sheet - so you can check on or off the "LCARS look"