So let's say im doing a multi attack of 5 hits (which I have a macro for).. Now my GM tells me, of those 5 attacks, 3 landed. I want a macro where I can simply click on it, and input "3" which is the amount of hits landed and from there, it will spit out my total damage. so im a fighter, with a 1d8 sword + 5 str swinging 3 times I am trying to covert this formula into a roll20 formula - ignore the bracket usage [1d8+5]x3 into a roll20 formula using ?{number of hit|0} or to simplify how can I tell roll20 macro NOT TO DO this [[1d8+5]] = let's say 6 [[1d8+5]] = let's say 8 [[1d8+5]] = let's say 13 but instead, I want it to show the total amount only total is 27