Name: Brian Times available: Friday or Saturday evenings starting at 8pm EST, can play pretty late. Playstyle: I prefer to play melee or ranged fighters that focus less on magic, and more on brawn or finesse. I have RPed for years, both in computer games, and other table top games. I believe RP to a high degree is what makes things like this fun. I have several ideas of characters I would like to make and play... a Kenku Fighter w/ Archery Mastery... I currently have a new game I am getting in with a Goliath Beserker. A human paladin or human sword and board tanky fighter would be seriously fun to me. But mostly, I like to be able to fill a role in a group that I play with, so I am pretty flexible with what I will play. I think with a little time, I may like playing a wizard, cleric, warlock... and RPing them to the full extent. My main thing is wanting to play. Thank you. *Edit: I am also a mature player. Very far from being a kid, but playing with those younger does not bother me.