I have found in almost every case a lap top is cheaper than a desk top, unless you are gaming and need the video card. Even a laptop plus a monitor will be cheaper than buying a desk top and all the little extras, such as microphone, camera, monitor, speakers and whatever else. Now days you can get a decent laptop new for under $500 unless you are gaming. PS: For those who care , my friend has a cheap old laptop with a generic 1 ghz dual core processor and it loads and runs roll20.net fine. The monitor was only something like 1300 x 766 or so, but it did not have issue, so if any of you are looking at a less expensive computer looks like roll20 does not require much. However the 3d die roller lagged pretty good on him, so he will not use it. For myself I am thinking a mid range tablet like the Surface Pro. Now that the Surface-Pro 2 is out the Surface pro with a i5 is less than $500.