I am trying to build an Ability Command Button (ACB) menu for my custom D&D 3.5 sheet. For elements like Saving Throws, Skill Checks, and Ability Checks (with finite, defined lists), it's working great. Now I am trying to generate ACBs for items in repeating sections like Attacks, Spells, and Special Abilities, and I cannot get them to work, not even building them manually in chat. I get the ACBs to display fine, but they don't execute properly. Here is an example as my best guess at this point, though I know this does not work: [Longsword](~-Kjie5flFsUNTrf-PfBh|repeating_meleeweapons_-kjk6r9vj4wo0uqzzbwx_mwpn_fullattackmacro) Where -Kjie5flFsUNTrf-PfBh is the character_id and -kjk6r9vj4wo0uqzzbwx is the repeating section row ID for the Longsword. This generates the following error: No ability was found for %{-Kjie5flFsUNTrf-PfBh|repeating_meleeweapons_mwpn_fullattackmacro} Can someone confirm the syntax for repeating section elements in ACBs? Thanks for any and all assistance!