If this is in the wronbg forum, excuse my posting. Wasnt sure if it went here, or the mentor, since its a bug report, but about the dev server. Not sure what the difference in in regards to this on live vs dev. But its never worked on dev for us. Even with giving the users access to edit, or ALL users. they cannot edit the "drag or select image' part of character sheets or journals. For example, On one Journal, we use the image space to upload the 1 page PDF character sheet to. If I drag the PDF it works fine, and converts it to an image. If the player does this, it gets the green progress bar, acts like its doing it..but it goes back blank. Also if I hit remove, I can remove the one there. If he does it again acts like it is. but the image stays. We have tested it with multiple people, on multiple browser types. Only somone as GM seems to be able to edit it.