We paid a high cost for victory. What was it? Some might not consider it a cost -- but it was. These young individuals had all been flying somewhat under the radar. Concord was still learning the ropes. Link had been keeping a low profile, worried about his father's rep. Jason had been adventuring a bit, but most folks still knew him from that damned cartoon. Ghost Girl was the object of (scary) rumors. Mercury was known mostly as ... well, as the kid from, y'know, that really heroic family. After this, though, their most public appearance, together, in the face of the high society and media of Halcyon City? Well, attention of the press and public were on these young heroes. Human interest stories. Gossip sheets. Editorials. National coverage. Has Link actually chosen another course than his father? How can someone as young as Concord be trusted with such power? Can Jason Quinn live up to his heritage? Why can't Mercury vibrate through walls? Who is this mysterious "Ghost Girl"? Expectations of (and scrutiny by) the other heroes of the city grew. And expectations, as well, that this team would continue as such. Once the media has the story, after all .. They lost, to a degree, their anonymity. It was a mixed blessing, to be sure, but they would never be the same again -- individually, or as a group. (For himself, Jason paid a cost, too. This struggle was the first time he pushed himself quite this intensely -- and his first clue that something was wrong with his nanobots.) (On a lighter note, everyone's hair was frizzy for a month. Electricity, you know. Except Ghost Girl, whose hair is always sort of waving around in a slow, aquatic wind that nobody else can see. That seems minor -- but not for a bunch of teen boys.)