FASA Star Trek ongoing campaign is looking for players. Next game is August 19th, 4pm Pacific, runs once or twice per month. Especially
looking for folks who'd be interested in playing and GMing other old-school
rpgs, as our group plans to switch between several systems regularly. Next up is a Call of Cthulhu adventure, after that a Classic Traveller adventure. There are currently about half a dozen
of us who are active members of our group, but I'd like to continue recruitment.
Here again is the list I’ve been
posting, of what I’d be interested in playing, in no particular
order. Hope to hear from you! - 2nd ed Chaosium Runequest in Glorantha -
Rogue Trader 1st ed FFG (I also have a conversion of this to run with
BRP, if anyone's interested) - Warhammer Fantasy Role Playing
1st/2nd ed - Call of Cthulhu, 1920's, WW1 or WW2, or Gaslight
(NOT 7th edition) - 1st ed AD&D (in Judges Guild's
Wilderlands/City States, Mystara, Midkemia, Blackmoor, Lankhmar,
Oriental Adventures, Spelljammer, Dragonlance, Middle Earth or
Thieves World) - Classic Traveller (Somewhere in the canon
Third Imperium. Please no assassinating my Emperor or releasing a
computer virus that brings down civilization! I'd also be interested
in either EC Tubb's Dumarest setting, for which I have a nice summary
document, or Andre Norton's Free Traders / Scouts / Rangers universe,
for which I have someone’s rpg write-up.) - Gamma World 1st
or 2nd ed / Metamorphosis Alpha 1st ed - Fading Suns 2nd ed -
Old editions of Stormbringer (or Hawkmoon, or Corum) - FASA
Star Trek 1st/2nd