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The Tower of the Gods [Loot and Feedback]


Edited 1502466848
Well then with the creation of this thread The Tower of the Gods is officially completed. Another great undertaking with 7 games over 4 days totaling up about 19 hours of play time. It was great fun though I think I've made myself sick today as a result, gg me. Everyone thank you very much for participating and I hope you all had just as much fun. Below is the xp and loot, what you've all be waiting for. I also urge you all to leave any feedback you may still have or have recently thought of below. This could be anything from things you forgot to mention in the game, to thoughts on the overall marathon, etc. As always you can also skype me instead if you prefer a two-way feedback. Thank you again! AL 14 (Games 1, 3 & 6) Exp: 2150 Gold: 3800 30% off an item up to level 20 AL 8 (Game 2) Exp: 800 Gold: 610 30% off an item up to level 15 AL 6 (Games 4 & 5) Exp: 580 Gold: 245 30% off an item up to level 15 Finale This will be split into 3 categories: Levels 11-13 Exp: 1600 Gold: 2200 30% off an item up to level 20 Levels 14-15 Exp: 2300 Gold: 3950 30% off an item up to level 20 Levels 16-17 Exp: 3100 Gold: 6600 30% off an item up to level 25 All characters who participated gain the following award: I Got Your Back Daily This power let's you choose the effect it's going to have each adventure (the choice can be made at any time i.e. when the situation comes up that you want to use one of these you can do it then, you don't have to choose at the beginning). Move Action Effect: Teleport to a square adjacent to an ally you can see. OR Free Action Trigger: During a skill challenge an ally makes a skill check and dislikes the result. Effect: You can make a suitable (suitability decided by the DM) medium DC skill check of your own to assist your ally. On a success you add +5 to the triggering skill check. (This award lasts for 5 levels) Below are the videos for each game if you want to go back and watch yours or watch ones you weren't a part of. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Alright, feedback time! First of all, thanks for running this monolith of an adventure, 7 sessions over 4 days is a pretty impressive achievement, so hats off. I did give some feedback for the specific adventure I was a part of, so there's nothing left to say on that in particular. However, I do have one criticism on the organisational side, and that is the variable AL. From what I saw in the chats during rolls (and honestly from what I thought myself) is that the variable AL caused more discontent than it was worth. The fact that high rollers got to pick their AL was not a great solution, since it caused people (myself included) to get the feeling that even good rolls didn't matter, since the high roller could just boot them unknowingly by picking the "wrong" AL. Now, I'm not saying that people, especially the paragon-locked crowd with their double-digit multi, shouldn't get a chance to play, not at all. What I am saying, however, is that I think you could've avoided a lot of grumbling, lobbying for ALs and dissatisfaction by simply making an even split between paragon and heroic (or basically making clear which sessions are which tier) and thereby avoid the whole thing with tier-locked players coming in all eager to play just to get booted by the high roller. Prevent disappointment by making perfectly clear who has and hasn't a chance to play which sessions from the get-go. My opinion, at least. So yeah. Very impressive effort, no doubt a massive investment of time, creativity and energy, and for that you certainly deserve respect, but the variable AL did not do it much good, and, in my opinion, soured a few moods where it needn't have. Cheers
Kamil feedback. ;)

Edited 1502471427
Saladful said: snip All of this. Waiting without knowing whether you even have a chance to get in sucked, the Cyric Encounter rocked! Great effort, and a great way to get the guild all stirred up, as evident by the large number of people that showed up for each and every game. EDIT: A discounted item is also a greatly appreciated type of reward!
it was fun, i enjoyed it, thanks
Does Got Your Back count as an alternative reward?