This is the Jade Regent Adventure Path.
Game time is 4:00pm Pacific Time every Friday. Be on time. We will try using native roll20 voice cast. If this proves to be untenable, we will use Skype for voice chat capabilities.
The first session will be 27 December at 4:00pm PST for character creation, etiquette, and the beginning of the campaign.
Group balance is the key to survival. The following roles WILL be filled by PCs:
DPR - taken
Arcane Caster
Healer -- NOT a hybrid with wand of CLW!
Optional (rogue preferred, but any class can fill Optional slot).
All Paizo published classes/archetypes are acceptable including the latest Advance Class Guide playtest classes.
Soulknife from Dreamscarred Press is allowed.
All characters start at lvl 1. Normal starting gold. Characters will be created in session 1. All will roll for stats (4d6 drop 1). You will have the option to use 25-point buy system instead of rolled stats. 2 traits. One trait may be a Jade Regent campaign trait.
Session one will cover house rules and table rules.
Excessive foul language will not be tolerated. Immature actions will not be tolerated. Missing sessions without advance notice will not be tolerated. This is an Adventure Path and as such, deliberately not going along with the story line will not be tolerated. Rules-lawyering will not be tolerated.
Good roleplaying will be rewarded.
Characters can and MAY die in this campaign either through luck of the dice or poor decisions by the PCs. If a character dies, a PC will be afforded the opportunity to create a new character and rejoin the campaign.
This is a long-term Adventure Path and all parts will be played. Be willing to commit 18 or so weeks to this campaign. Each gaming session will last between 2 and 4 hours.
Specific houserules -
New feat for Rogues/Swashbucklers: Dextrous Strke - Add Dexterity bonus to melee weapon damage. This replaces STR bonus to damage. Level required - 3.
Wizards - Spontaneous casting. This allows you to cast any spell that you know instead of limiting you to spells prepared. You are still limited to spells known per level and spells per day. You do not have access to the entire Sorcerer/Wizard spell list everyday. This replaces Scribe Scroll at 1st lvl. Scribe scroll may be taken as an additional feat.
Crafted items sell for 3/4 market price instead of 1/2.
Scribing scroll cost is cut in half for 1st and 2nd level spells.
Anything else will be discussed in depth during session 1.
Game time is 4:00pm Pacific Time every Friday. Be on time. We will try using native roll20 voice cast. If this proves to be untenable, we will use Skype for voice chat capabilities.
The first session will be 27 December at 4:00pm PST for character creation, etiquette, and the beginning of the campaign.
Group balance is the key to survival. The following roles WILL be filled by PCs:
DPR - taken
Arcane Caster
Healer -- NOT a hybrid with wand of CLW!
Optional (rogue preferred, but any class can fill Optional slot).
All Paizo published classes/archetypes are acceptable including the latest Advance Class Guide playtest classes.
Soulknife from Dreamscarred Press is allowed.
All characters start at lvl 1. Normal starting gold. Characters will be created in session 1. All will roll for stats (4d6 drop 1). You will have the option to use 25-point buy system instead of rolled stats. 2 traits. One trait may be a Jade Regent campaign trait.
Session one will cover house rules and table rules.
Excessive foul language will not be tolerated. Immature actions will not be tolerated. Missing sessions without advance notice will not be tolerated. This is an Adventure Path and as such, deliberately not going along with the story line will not be tolerated. Rules-lawyering will not be tolerated.
Good roleplaying will be rewarded.
Characters can and MAY die in this campaign either through luck of the dice or poor decisions by the PCs. If a character dies, a PC will be afforded the opportunity to create a new character and rejoin the campaign.
This is a long-term Adventure Path and all parts will be played. Be willing to commit 18 or so weeks to this campaign. Each gaming session will last between 2 and 4 hours.
Specific houserules -
New feat for Rogues/Swashbucklers: Dextrous Strke - Add Dexterity bonus to melee weapon damage. This replaces STR bonus to damage. Level required - 3.
Wizards - Spontaneous casting. This allows you to cast any spell that you know instead of limiting you to spells prepared. You are still limited to spells known per level and spells per day. You do not have access to the entire Sorcerer/Wizard spell list everyday. This replaces Scribe Scroll at 1st lvl. Scribe scroll may be taken as an additional feat.
Crafted items sell for 3/4 market price instead of 1/2.
Scribing scroll cost is cut in half for 1st and 2nd level spells.
Anything else will be discussed in depth during session 1.