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[LFP] D&D 5E: High Fantasy High Level (21:30Central US)

Greetings! This evening I will be opening the doors of the Bal'Halra Adventurer's Guild to greet individuals and invite them to join us at the table. This is indeed an open table, meaning that you are free to come with no expectations of remaining, but we'd be glad if you stayed. This invitation is for players new and old with as little or as much system knowledge as they currently possess. I am actively looking for other individuals interested in DMing, or just wanting to be a part of our small community just for the banter. On to the campaign details itself. Disclaimer: This campaign includes mild mature themes, language, and alcoholic reference. If these bother you, you are still welcome to contact me about our guild in general. The Mead Flows Everlasting is a homebrewed Giant's v Mankind setting in which the Gods of the Kulmvir are prone to, we'll call it rash decisions under the influence of alcohol. The Way, a set of rules placed by the Gods of Yore, dictates that every so many centuries the Veil must shift. Giant kind resides on one side, currently the grim and harsh Maug Dod, or Evil Death, where to pass away is to be ripped of your soul and tossed into an abyssal void. This is only ever avoided by great deeds through one's life, but is never certain. Mankind, on the other hand are within the Maat Stig side of the Veil, Good Light. They have their hardships for sure, but when they pass it is only those of truly foul souls who share fate with the reversed side of the coin. Even so, tradition from eons has bred in the idea of great courage and great deeds are to be the way of life, from he who works the plow to he who bests his foes in glorious combat. All deeds are measured.  Both sides share the chance to ascend into the realm of the Kulmvir, Gil Heim. Here they are truly at peace with drinking horns never empty. - The time has come, mortal sons and daughters of God Seed. The Kulmvir convenes to decide your fate! In their drunken revelry they have come to no final agreement but for more drink! During one of the few downtimes where horns needed refilling a brilliant suggestion was made by Gurt Stonebeard. They would loose the giant clans against mankind. If truly these children of God Seed are worth another turn then they should be able to prove a good sport! Many a round later they decided that would be too much. After all, not all of the children are built for war. Farmers, herders, tenders of young. The Clans, on the other hand have been bred for nothing short of endless war from their inception. Even as drunk as they were, they all agreed it would be against the Way to loose the clans and end mankind's earned turn early. It was Kor Skydancer with chuckles and rolling sides who drew all ears. The Kulmvir agreed. They would find each a mortal worth their mead and send them to face a worthy challenge. Into the Veil they will be sent to earn glory. If the giants were truly eager to claim the realm then this would also seem fair challenge for them. Five mortals pitted against the entirety of the Giant Clans? Fair. As another keg rolled out, the conversation turned to heavy debate on the topic. How would we choose our mortal? What task decides victory or defeat? Clever Tati chimed in at last, faint whisper cutting through the jovial commune. It was her suggestion that the Giant Lords be made to admit defeat, and the Giant Lords would be made to set the challenge. If these mortals are adaptable as it is said, then no challenge thrown their way should halt them, within reason. After all, no mortal could be expected to lift as a Giant, nor wrestle one with bare hands when but the finger shares their size. The challenge then is for these mortals, who must agree in full to accept, is to survive through the Veil, discover the Lords and gain from them their task. Allowing that all in the Kulmvir picks not poorly than there is the faintest chance that mankind gain another turn. - Other Lore Bits: Giants are an active threat within the Mortal Realm, small raiding parties slip through the veil here and there. It is known to only the most high scholars that the time of man is supposed to come to close, that the coin will flip and place you all within the Veil, a dark and wretched existence of fifteen centuries. The Kulmvir are the major Deities, but there are no active churches or worship of them individually, and I hope you note there isn't one specific that handles Death. Death here is very Valhalla esque, the Stonebeard brothers adding you to their numbers if you are worthy, or Caring Fei letting you go to true rest if she sees fit. Damned souls who fail in whole are given over to Skydancer, who twists them into the darkest clouds that beat down on the mortals as reminder to live life in glory least they suffer the same fate. Worse still, are souls damned to be torn to shreds for such is their foul deeds and failure to live up to the expectations of any god. You will also note that "Mankind" is mentioned. Humans, Half-elves, and Dwarves are primary acceptance. Goliaths are present, living in larger groups, Herds, and always roving hoping to come across their Giant-foe while at the same time being mistaken by humans for allies thereof. Elves, while present and won't outright be discarded, are very insulated, their own gods keeping them on the edge of this turmoil regardless of who wins. Still, some are drawn to the lands of Man out of curiosity or boredom, perhaps even pity.
I will note, we use Discord and Microphones are required.
Is the game tonight, or at a later time?
Tim T. said: Is the game tonight, or at a later time? same?
This game is intended for tonight, but it was posted with rather late notice due to juggling a few things on my ends. Depending on players willingness to play late, we may postpone this until next Monday (Barring I don't make Birthday plans). 
The session is officially postponed. This will either be run next Monday (again, barring I don't make plans for my Birthday) or the following. As of right now, only two seats have officially be claimed with one reserved.. Those who submit their characters earlier will generally get preference. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> is the campaign link. This link will remain active until this coming Saturday. Character generation rules are: 4d6k3, High Fantasy (DMG38...ish). We use the Sane Magic Prices pdf that a bit of googlefu is sure to find for you (or you can ask me for it directly). Again, we utilize Discord for voice chat, this will not be a text-game. That said, our group is always welcoming new players and dms alike, and have at times tossed around the idea of a PbP game or two. Not to mention D&D is not our only game system, so if you have questions or are curious feel free to PM me. I will respond to them as quickly as I can, but the roll20 PM system still leaves a bit to be desired.