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D&D 3.5/Pathfinder Forgottten Realms LF as many as possible


Edited 1388461276
NO FORE KNOWLEDGE ON FORGOTTEN REALMS REQUIRED I want to start a campaign in the Forgotten Realms setting, I may DM but if anyone has prior FR experience wants to step up to the plate I'd appreciate it. I'd like to start Saturday at 9p.m. central time if I can get people. The reason I say as many as possible is that I want to start a group of FR players, so that whenever a campaign starts or ends we can find another or interested people right of the bat. I started an enjin guild website ( that we could use to keep in touch and set up a bit of a community. I don't expect everyone or anyone to join to play the game Saturday, but it's a cool idea to keep in mind. DM will have basic plot for for encounter ready and sent out/posted by Thursday. Note: Listing is up Required by Saturday: Full lvl one character sheets for PCs sent to me (only base races) Estimated length: 1/2hour-2 (Not really sure yet...) P.S. The Forgotten Realms is a really cool and in depth setting which I'd love to play through and have a community to do it with. P.S.S. I'm rather flaky in the long run so if someone wants to run with the website or campaign let me know. (I wont flake out for Saturday)
im interested. Only issue is that you say your flaky. You mean you drop campains or do you just get behind sometimes and have to cancel a week? Either way send me a link and ill join
I am very interested, but my issue is that I have never played a game like this before. If you would not mind being a little slow with me, that would be great.
I'm also interested, sounds like a pretty good idea,
I'll give you kudos on that. is there gonna be some form of character sheet storage going on or is it just gonna be set up when a game goes up? As far as everything goes though, I'm game. I'm new but I'd love to try out some of the fun things I've found in D&D.
Okay, liking the interest. As I said I want as many as possible so every 5 players I'm going to add another day of the week for a separate campaign. I hope you guy think about my website Idea. If any vet or upcoming DMs would like to colab a bit let me know. If anyone knows of the setting do they have a starting point they'd like? I'm currently thinking a small trade town of humans, medium traffic. I'm searching the setting for a town that fits.
Here is a link to an interactive pdf character sheet for pathfinder. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Interested in joining. Biggest concern is not knowing about how you want to run the stats so get back to us about what you want to do there or if you need ideas.

Edited 1388632328
Okay so it's Sundays @ pm central time. It's pathfinder rule yet forgotten realms campaign setting. We don't have creation rules quite yet. Did I say anything wrong/or miss anything. We need stuff like is it point buy and total cost allowed? Races are core only but should people get into the regional portion of the setting? Classes allowed and or that are dis-allowed? Standing on traits, hero points, and are starting gold? Older version feats and gear as well as spells allowed or disallowed? Did I miss anything? Sorry I had a lot of questions just I've been hunting for a forgotten realms pathfinder game for a bit now. May last and biggest Question is a quote David M. said: im interested. Only issue is that you say your flaky. You mean you drop campains or do you just get behind sometimes and have to cancel a week? Either way send me a link and ill join Flaky how so? Just don't want to dump a lot of time into this and come find out it is for nothing. PS Dibs on fighter melee.
I am totally blank on online gaming, never been done, but am very interessted! I have played D&D for 28 years and love FR. Will have to learn Pathfinder system - I have the core book. My time zone is GMT +1