Hey Mark, I found your post up on the forums and thought to ask you if you'd be interested in joining our campaign "The Hallow". We're looking for players who really appreciate the art of character creation, and want to roleplay to their hearts content! We're all very imaginative people and we're looking for similar minded players to join our campaign. Our sessions are on whatever days our players can make. We have custom time sheets that keeps track of everyone's free time so we can schedule to suit everyone's needs! If you'd like to know about the campaign, consider checking out our LFG post here! <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/5485282/lfp-d-an" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/5485282/lfp-d-an</a>... Hope to hear from you soon, Blaine S.