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Reshuffle a discard pile.

I am brand new to Roll20 but have a very long history of programming. I am hoping someone can shed some light on the best way to deal with this or if it is possible. In the board game "Forbidden Island" (Also in some others, such as "Pandemic") there is a mechanic where you take the discard pile of a deck, shuffle it and then place it on top of the draw pile for the same deck. It seems there is no real easy built in way to do this in Roll20 (Unless I am missing something) so I was wondering if someone had a good work around or could point me in the direction to start researching. I looked in to the API and it seems, if I am reading correctly, that the discard pile is a comma delimited list which seems very useful but appears to be read-only? If I am incorrect then it seems I could write some code to shuffle the list of the discard pile, and add to the deck list and then clear out the discard pile, but with it being read only I can not alter what is in it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Hey Jesse! Glad to have you playing roll20! I'm not positive if it's possible yet (I'm sure someone who knows for sure could chime in), but for the most part, deck operations aren't accessible via API. The API forum specifically would be the place to post questions about it though, as that's where 99% of the people that know what they're doing (esp Brian and Stephen) post at!
OK great! Thanks, from what you are saying then it is not possible with regular functions or workarounds either. I suspected as much but didn't know for sure. We are going to just use the real cards and I will keep a deck at my desk. Not that big of a deal. What I will probably end up doing is coding a deck of my own and having functions to draw cards etc. With that, I can have flipping/discarding the proper tiles automated anyway
I've not worked with decks before... From a purely visual standpoint, could you shuffle the discard deck and position it visually on top of the regular deck?
Unfortunately, no. The discard "deck" isn't a deck the way you are thinking. You access the discard deck by selecting the discard deck from the existing deck on the vtt. That opens up another window which resembles looking at someone's hand.