I am running a game that is starting to get pretty big. and a big game means a lot of pages being used. This becomes a hassle when I am trying to move from one page to another, a couple issues occur. First I have to find the page, this is tough even being able to name things because there are so many pages and they are all randomly spread, sure I can drag them all to where I want them, but even then it is a hassle to read every page and find the one I need. Second I have to drop the "players" bookmark on 2 or 3 different pages that the players weren't supposed to see to get to the one I want. This is an issue. Now I propose 2 fixes to these problems. 1. Allow the creation of page folders. This will certainly help organization, instead of naming my stuff "continentName-townName-buildingName" I can put them into folders to better separate my pages..... and 2. A double click/bulletbox "players" bookmark. Intead of having to drag the bookmark through all of the files and everntually the page I need, I can just a. double click the page in the toolbar, or B. Click a Bullet/checkmark box. Thank you for your time and hopefully your up votes, I hope to see these additions soon!