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Shaped 15.5.0

Hi,  First off I really like the shaped sheets, so thanks for all of your hard work on them! I have been using v15.5.0 for a campaign I am currently DMing however intermittently the health bar on the PC sheet is glitching out. I have attached a screenshot below but it just looks like the image isn't loading or a link is broken somewhere. I was wondering if there is anyway to fix this, as it makes it hard for players to track their HP.  Best, Max
You should make sure to check out  the official Shaped thread instead of starting a new one— Over there, you'll see that  Kryx fixed the HP graphic in 15.5.2 two days ago (though, as of this writing,  the current version is 15.5.3 ). Kryx said: 15.5.2 Bug Fixes #598: HP display is broken Some of #597: Actions issues Still another intermediate issue. Still lots to do (primarily around spells), but this should improve things in the interim. Kryx said: 15.5.3 Bug Fixes Actions should now work, mostly. I've checked the following types: Actions with an attack (Guiding Bolt) Actions with a saving throw (Fireball) Actions without an attack or saving throw(Magic Missile) Actions with a heal (Cure Wounds) I believe this captures a fair amount of issues caused by the breaking change. These changes should fix all repeating sections that use attacks, saving throws, healing, etc. I think I got most of the critical issues. If anyone has free time I could use some assistance testing for cases that are still broken beyond the few bugs currently on the tracker. Thanks!