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[5e OGL] Attack info attribute/ability names

Hi, This is probably a lot simpler than I'm making it but I can't seem to get the attribute name of individual aspects of attacks. For reasons I won't go into I've had to make my own spell attack macros which seem to work fine apart from a couple bits. Is there any way to call up the ability modifier, the range and any magic bonuses of an attack? Thanks for any help on this

Edited 1505516629
Ability modifier : @{selected|repeating_attack_$X_atkattr_base} Range : @{selected|repeating_attack_$X_atkrange} Magic Bonus : @{selected|repeating_attack_$X_atkmagic}
Thanks so much you're a lifesaver
No problem, if you need to know more I found the attribute names by inspecting the html/css of the character sheet.