Not sure if script requests are allowed in the API forum, if not excuse my post. I had another post about doing X when Y roll is made, and got a few replies. Thought I could cobble together what I needed from the examples given in my replies. But its beyond my grasp it seems to work with the API how i need. Would anyone be willing to work out a script that does a if/then on a d20? What I need is simple (to explain, execution of it in API might not be not sure): Basically its all based off d20 rolls. If 15-20 then do 'X' macro also, if 1 then do 'Y' macro also. With the basic dice, there is no way to do an 'if' and 'then' to call a macro. I made macros that reference rollable tables, and shared the macros with everyone. and it works great..just they need to remember to click the macro button when they get the number range. Trying to automate it. I have a critical hit table for extra effects with 15-20 roll, and a fumble table for rolls of 1. So for an example to make it clearer maybe.. Someone rolls a d20, they get a 1. it then calls #fumble macro and runs it as them. Someone rolls a d20, they get a 15-20. it then calls #luck macro and runs it as them. only tricky part is the rolls need to be the actual dice roll result, not based on the roll if they have modifiers added.