Another one of Matt’s players from West Marches, chiming in. I was just starting on roll20 back in late June of this year, attempting to get back into D&D and learn both 5e and roll20, when I was lucky enough to get an application accepted into Matt’s campaign. After spending a long time searching for the right fit and game for me, I couldn’t express to you enough how lucky I now understand myself to be to have Matt there as the DM. After the first session, there wasn’t a question in my mind that I was there to stay. I have since had the opportunity to run in probably 15 sessions run by him, as well as many more by our other DMs. I will happily second much of what has been written about Matt as a DM by others above. His sessions never fail to provide interesting twists, tailored content(quite the challenge when running sessions for such a large group of players and PCs, I can only imagine the level of detail he could provide for a set group), high quality music, lighting and maps, detailed and immersive descriptions, well thought out NPCs, and the opportunity for you to take agency of the situations presented. He allows you to fit your character ideas into the story as much, or as little, as you’d like, and does a good job of involving all at the session, while allowing for each persons own comfort level. And probably the best thing I can say about him as a DM, is his ability to balance and adapt all the odd situations and funny moments that are sure to arise. If you are looking for a quality DM and fun d&d experience, look no further. For both new players and experienced groups looking for the right fit, congratulations on finding Matt. If I had the schedule flexibility to join a lot of the sessions he is running, I’d be throwing my hat in to play right alongside you. Oh, and barrel armor.