I'm trying to create a series of custom roll templates for a sheet that I am authoring, but am having problems getting the project off of the ground. I've created the template definition - right now it is reduced to something about as simple as I can imagine - but when I try to trigger the template from a roll button or from chat, I just get a blank line output. To make sure I wasn't doing something wrong in coding the template itself, I tried moving the same template into an otherwise blank character sheet in a brand new game. In that game, the same code works fine. So....I'm pretty sure something in the other html in my sheet is causing the custom template to fail, but I have no idea what it is, what it might be, or how to find it. Any ideas? (I'm glad to give anyone who volunteers access to my game) (Note: I'm not a professional coder; mostly self taught, and there are a lot of holes in my skill set, so...the more you can spell things out for me, the better!) UPDATE: I resolved the issue; see below.