I have been following instructions on how to build a perception macro for all my npc's from Take20 on youtube. The macro that it used for all their npc's was : %{Selected|npc_perception}
@{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=Perception}} {{mod=@{selected|npc_perception}}} {{r1=[[1d20+@{selected|npc_perception}]]}} @{selected|rtype}+@{selected|npc_perception}]]}} I used this same macro on all my guys and it was working fine, but then there was an update to the sheet and I noticed that the macro didn't work anymore. What seems to be my issue is that when wisdom modifier is 0 and that no modifiers are added to perception, the perception value is non-existent. Can someone help me figure out this one?