Since there are quite some DMs around in this community and because Roll20 has its own kickstarter history, I thought the following might be interesting for some of you: Lone Wolf Development, the guys who also create Hero Labs, are currently funding a software for DMs that "streamlines the campaign management". Think of it as a software to arrange and sort information kind of in a wiki-ish manner yet specifically designed for campaign building. They have a video on their kickstarter page and I personally find it awesome. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Currently working on my first bigger, sandbox-style campaign, I quickly realized the complexity behind structuring all the information, created a blog with complex tagging logics, yet "Realm Works" - thats how the software is called - appears to be way more user-friendly. So, I hope some of you might be just as excited as I am :) Since it's in no way substituting Roll20, posting it here should be fine, otherwise I apologise.