You all knew this was coming. And if I wasn't so busy at work, it would have happened sooner. But seeing as how I just started Labor Day Weekend this afternoon, seemed fitting. So I've been thinking about Adam's costume and trying to make it as alien as its origin implies. So you'll probably recognize 1 from my icon. I like the stripe of starfield (in the animated series version of our game, moves with him) but I started to wonder what it'd look like if I pushed it further, hence 2 and 3. I really like 2. The star field skin really reminds me of the Silver Surfer's look (the original cosmic powered' superhero) without completely aping his look. The full chest sigil also reminds me a bit of the chest emblems of the Power Rangers' and that's awesome (Yeah, I'm from that generation.) It also implied as skin-tight protective shell and that's cool too. I made 3 mostly as a way to try out some different options, but I think I prefer to glove- and boot-less version more. Same with the eye glows, but I could see that either way. Opinions? Weird Art Side Note No One Will Really Care About: I made Adam five heads tall here. That's on the younger side of 13 (the rule of thumb age scale is 5 heads = 9-13, 6 heads = 13-17, 6.5 heads = adults) to better differentiate between the team members. Also, he is the youngest by a few years and we want a visual signifier of that. I figure Mercury and Link will be 6 heads tall while classically heroic Jason Quill will be 6.5. Ghost Girl is going to be weird since women are generally half a head shorter and people from further back in history are generally shorter as well, but I figure I'll ignore history's impact here and just go for somewhere between 5.5 and 6 heads tall.