Hello fellow Roll 20 users. I have recently joined and am excited to play some 3.5 with the Roll 20 interface. It is a shame D&D doesn't support its older versions (seems like a missed revenue opportunity honestly), so we must take up the challenge.
In my new campaign, we have a Cleric, Wizard and Psion, so we have taken it upon ourselves to input (ultimately) all the spells and Psionics we use. To that effect, I have a macro that is behaving strange. I have included an image and the code here (basically the text of the spell descriptions are all offset to the far right). Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Here is the macro:
/emas @{selected|token_name} says a quick prayer in Celestial while tracing an eldritch symbol in the air with her holy symbol.
&{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{spellflag=true}} {{name=@{selected|token_name} }} {{subtags=casts [Protection from Energy](http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Protection_from_Energy) on @{target|token_name} }} {{School:=Abjuration}} {{Level:=Clr 3, Druid 3, Luck 3, Protection 3, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 3}} {{Comp:=V, S, DF}} {{Cast Time:=1 std action}} {{Range:=Touch }} {{Target:=Creature Touched}} {{Dur:= [[@{selected|casterlevel}*10]] minutes or until discharged}} {{Save:=Fortitude negates (harmless);(DC: [[@{selected|spelldc3} + @{selected|sf-conjuration}]]) }} {{SR:=Yes (harmless) ([[1d20+@{selected|casterlevel}+@{selected|spellpen}]] vs SR) }}{{compcheck= Conc:[[{1d20+@{concentration} }>?{Concentration DC=15+Spell Level or 10+Damage Received|16}]] }} {{succeedcheck=Success in Casting Defensively! She casts her spell without provoking an attack of opportunity!}} {{@{target|token_name} is temporarily immune to ?{energy type?(acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic)|Fire} damage for the next [[10*@{casterlevel}]] mins or until [[{(12*@{casterlevel}),120}dh1]] points of ?{energy type?(acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic)|Fire} damage are absorbed}} {{notes=Protection from energy grants temporary immunity to the type of energy you specify when you cast it (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). When the spell absorbs its limit, it is discharged. Note: Protection from energy overlaps (and does not stack with) resist energy. If a character is warded by protection from energy and resist energy, the protection spell absorbs damage until its power is exhausted. PHB pg. 266}}
In my new campaign, we have a Cleric, Wizard and Psion, so we have taken it upon ourselves to input (ultimately) all the spells and Psionics we use. To that effect, I have a macro that is behaving strange. I have included an image and the code here (basically the text of the spell descriptions are all offset to the far right). Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Here is the macro:
/emas @{selected|token_name} says a quick prayer in Celestial while tracing an eldritch symbol in the air with her holy symbol.
&{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{spellflag=true}} {{name=@{selected|token_name} }} {{subtags=casts [Protection from Energy](http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Protection_from_Energy) on @{target|token_name} }} {{School:=Abjuration}} {{Level:=Clr 3, Druid 3, Luck 3, Protection 3, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 3}} {{Comp:=V, S, DF}} {{Cast Time:=1 std action}} {{Range:=Touch }} {{Target:=Creature Touched}} {{Dur:= [[@{selected|casterlevel}*10]] minutes or until discharged}} {{Save:=Fortitude negates (harmless);(DC: [[@{selected|spelldc3} + @{selected|sf-conjuration}]]) }} {{SR:=Yes (harmless) ([[1d20+@{selected|casterlevel}+@{selected|spellpen}]] vs SR) }}{{compcheck= Conc:[[{1d20+@{concentration} }>?{Concentration DC=15+Spell Level or 10+Damage Received|16}]] }} {{succeedcheck=Success in Casting Defensively! She casts her spell without provoking an attack of opportunity!}} {{@{target|token_name} is temporarily immune to ?{energy type?(acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic)|Fire} damage for the next [[10*@{casterlevel}]] mins or until [[{(12*@{casterlevel}),120}dh1]] points of ?{energy type?(acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic)|Fire} damage are absorbed}} {{notes=Protection from energy grants temporary immunity to the type of energy you specify when you cast it (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). When the spell absorbs its limit, it is discharged. Note: Protection from energy overlaps (and does not stack with) resist energy. If a character is warded by protection from energy and resist energy, the protection spell absorbs damage until its power is exhausted. PHB pg. 266}}